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Uncovering the Future of Malt Innovation: An Interview with Irina Bolat, Boortmalt’s Group Innovation Manager

Meet Irina Bolat, the Group Innovation Manager at Boortmalt. In this interview, she shares insights into BoortmaltX, a game-changing initiative shaping the future of malting. Join us as we dive into the innovative world of BoortmaltX, where tradition meets transformation and the future of malting takes center stage.

Irina, could you please introduce yourself? Share a bit about your background, your journey to becoming the Group Innovation Manager at Boortmalt, and what drives your passion for innovation in the malting industry.

« Hi! I’m Irina Bolat, the Group Innovation Manager at Boortmalt. I am responsible for driving innovation on a global scale within the organization. I've been a part of the Boortmalt family for the past decade. My educational background is in food science and engineering, and I hold a PhD in Biotechnology from TU Delft in the Netherlands. Before my role at Boortmalt, I had spent over nine years in brewery operations, research and development.

At Boortmalt, I oversee the innovation program and am responsible for creating an innovation culture within the company. I work on our internal open innovation program, encouraging employees to come up with new ideas.

For BoortmaltX, I take on several roles – I'm an innovation lead, mentor, and advisor. I guide the research and development strategy and oversee the BoortmaltX program from the Boortmalt side. Our journey with BoortmaltX started just last year, and I've already seen a burst of creativity and fantastic ideas from the different startups involved. »

Talking about BoortmaltX, could you shed some light on what inspired the creation of BoortmaltX and tell us more about the program and the role of Bundl?

« The initiative for BoortmaltX was driven by our CEO, Yvan Schaepman, who strongly believes in the power of germination and plant-based solutions for the food industry. His ambition is to create a third turnover contributive pillar within Boortmalt, beyond beer and whisky. Collaborating with startups will accelerate innovation in new value spaces

Startups have innovative solutions and are open-minded, so this was the best option.  

The startup ecosystem is incredibly dynamic. It's a great way for BoortmaltX to push the boundaries of what's possible with malt and educate people about the world of malting products. »

BoortmaltX mainly focuses on early-stage startups, why is there a specific interest in this type of startups?

« With BoortmaltX, we’re all about teaming up with startups to co-create, especially when it comes to developing new products. Supporting early-stage startups puts us right at the beginning of their journey. It's like having a front-row seat to spot technical opportunities they might miss because the malting industry and malt co-products are still relatively new to startups. And it's not just the tech stuff; with the business acceleration support, we can make a big difference in their early-stage growth.

While helping startups with their main products is great, coming up with fresh, potentially more valuable products is what really excites us.

You mentioned the co-products that come from malting. Can you give more info on malt co-products and why they're so exciting for startups?

« When we talk about malt co-products, one of the most interesting co-products are the rootlets. These are the tiny roots that sprout during the germination process of malting. In the scientific world, these rootlets have received quite a bit of attention because of what they bring to the table. They're packed with proteins, including essential amino acids, and they're loaded with lysine.

With the growing interest in plant-based meat and protein, these rootlets have become even more intriguing.

And then there's the husk, another malt co-product, and it's an excellent source of fiber. You also have the broken kernels, filledwith starch.

These co-products are like hidden gems, containing protein, fiber, and starch, all while fitting perfectly into sustainability and recycling efforts. It's a broad, dynamic landscape with a range of applications depending on what we're working with. »

The focus of BoortmaltX seems quite diverse, from the food and beverage industry to natural supplements, cosmetics, and pet foods. What made you focus on these specific industries?

« Our decision to focus on these sectors was based on the qualities of our products, both our malted cereals and our co-products.  

This combination of nutritional value, high protein, and high fiber levels makes our offerings particularly well-suited for these areas. For instance, when we look at cosmetics, we're talking about amino acids – a key component. For food and beverages, it's all about protein, with a focus on nutritional value. In the context of natural supplements, it boosts nutritional value and bioavailability, thanks to the micronutrients introduced during the malting process.  

These characteristics made it an evident choice to focus on these 4 industries. »

So, it's all about the natural process of malting that aligns so well with these specific industries, particularly food-related ones?

« Absolutely, and it's not just the co-products; even our malt protein grains play a crucial role. The natural malting process is the driving force behind our match with these sectors. »

Beyond the industries, what specific qualities or characteristics do you seek in startups that are interested in or planning to apply for BoortmaltX?

«We're looking for startups with a dynamic team, a mix of scientific know-how and business knowledge. What's really important for us is that they have a unique value proposition that serves a substantial market. »

Anything else that you find important?

« We're also looking for startups whose ideas match BoortmaltX and our core business. It's about evaluating their business potential, the strength of their team, the market possibilities, and even intellectual property (IP) factors. The ability to introduce something new, especially when it comes to IP, is a big plus. So, the potential for intellectual property is definitely something we find interesting. »

What distinguishes BoortmaltX from other accelerators operating in similar industries?

« When it comes to differentiating BoortmaltX from other accelerators, whether it's in the food industry or more broadly, I believe it comes down to our approach. At BoortmaltX, we're not just about science or business; we look for true collaboration. We want to partner with startups who share our belief in the product and our shared vision.

What sets us apart is our smaller cohorts, which means we maintain a very close connection with the startups. They can easily reach out, they know who to call. And, of course, there's the Lab & Innovation Center, which is also quite unique for an accelerator.

Another benefit is the combination of expertise in research and development and a strong focus on business collaboration. We understand that startups may not have all the answers, especially when it comes to the technical side, and sometimes, they might need help figuring out what questions to ask. We close that gap by providing the support and knowledge they need, making their journey more manageable and successful. »

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations and the broader vision for BoortmaltX? How do you see the program evolving in the coming years?

« I hope it continues to grow. With each new cohort, we gain more knowledge and experience. We become better at working with startups and turning their ideas into real products. The program matures, and this gives us the confidence to work with even more startups.

And, who knows, maybe we'll expand our focus to other areas like sustainability or energy. Digitalization is also an exciting possibility. »

One last question: for startups considering joining BoortmaltX, what advice would you give them, and what qualities make a startup successful?

« I'd tell startups to believe in their value proposition but also stay open-minded. They should be flexible enough to embrace what we can offer to make their idea even better. That's where the team comes in – the connection between their vision and our expertise is crucial. As for what makes a startup successful, it's having a solid product, a dedicated and adaptable team, and the ambition to achieve its goals. »

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